
Free to Play Christmas Mahjong Connect, Липень 2024.

Jeff Franklin

Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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Christmas Mahjong Connect is a series of holiday-inspired Mahjong Connect levels. In the game, you aim to connect all identical tiles on the map. You can only connect the tiles under certain conditions, with the connect lines being limited in how flexible their movements are.

Christmas Mahjong Connect Tiles

To win the game, you have to beat all the Christmas-inspired connect tile arrangements, with them getting more challenging and complicated as you’re progressing through the game. This holiday-themed game will push your analytical abilities and test how fast you can connect the pieces, as there’s also a time limit for each round.

Plan your lines

There are certain conditions for connecting identical pieces. Ideally, you want them to be next to each other or in a straight line of one another. The majority of the time, that’s not the case, and you have to plan a bit more.

Christmas Mahjong Connect how to connect

The connect lines can make horizontal and vertical turns when you’re connecting them, but they can’t pass through tiles or make corner turns. If you’re trying to connect two tiles on the right side of the gameboard, the game will allow you to. If you’re trying to match a tile from the right side with a tile from the bottom side – you won’t be able to. A good tip is to begin by connecting all identical tiles that are neighbors and afterward to start analyzing the board for possible matches.

Christmas Mahjong Connect Time

There’s also a time limit that you have to deal with – the game would be too easy without one! Each level has its time limit. As you progress, the timers get more clutch, so you’re forced to play with more haste. The game offers some help you can use in the form of 5 hints and shuffles, but if you use those up, you’re on your own.

If you’re looking to improve at Mahjong, you should check out our main game page! It has some great tips and tricks, as well as a breakdown of the rules.


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

He no longer lives in his mom’s basement, but Jeff still manages to play online games whenever he has a free minute.


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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