
Tetris Brick Block, Липень 2024.

Jeff Franklin

Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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Tetris Brick Block is a modernized version of the classic Gameboy game, Tetris. This game pays homage to the classic game, as your background as you play is the classic Gameboy. As you’re playing, you can change the color of this gameplay, depending on your preference. It can be white, red, yellow, blue, gray, and many other colors.

When it comes to gameplay, the game is as simple as it gets. But with a twist. You use your arrow keys to move the blocks left to right, turn them, and speed up their descent. The game does have a twist, and that’s the shapes that you use to build your rows.

Tetris Brick Block Changing colors

New shapes to change your strategy

Tetris Brick Block has all the classic blocks that you would normally see in Tetris. Additionally, to make the game more challenging, there have been new shapes added as well. During your gameplay, you will have to use blocks in the form of a dot, a plus, and a C. Adding these blocks to the equation makes the game much harder and gives you a lot more to think about, but also gives you an opportunity to plan your rows around some new concepts.

Tetris Brick Block new shapes

When it comes to gameplay, Tetris Brick Block is very simple. It doesn’t have a lot of the newer features most Tetris games nowadays have, which makes it all that more difficult. You can’t hold blocks for future moves, and you don’t have a box showing you what your next block will be. With all of this in mind, the game is quite a challenge for any Tetris player, as you not only are missing a lot of the newer bonuses, but you also have to keep in mind the new blocks.

Are you a fan of Tetris games? Our main game page for Tetris features some useful tips and tricks that you can use!


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

He no longer lives in his mom’s basement, but Jeff still manages to play online games whenever he has a free minute.


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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