

Jeff Franklin

Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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If you’re a fan of Tic Tac Toe games, Colors is an engaging and relaxing variation of the game with simple yet charismatic graphics. The game uses the classic rules of Tic Tac Toe, so it’s going to feel familiar to everyone. It features two game modes – one versus AI and one versus a friend. You can also pick how long games will take, with there being options for how many wins end the game.

Tic Tac Toe Colors Score

You also don’t play with the classic X and O; instead, you play with two Os of different colors – red and blue.
The relaxing nature of the game allows you to practice your skills while not getting annoyed or stressed while playing.

Choose Your Game Mode

Tic Tac Toe Colors allows you to play against an AI and practice your skills as much as you want. The AI is programmed to make mistakes and not play like a pro player, so you won’t get stressed out. You can use this game mode to practice strategies or to unwind.

Tic Tac Toe Colors Game ModesYou can also play against another real player from the same device. If you choose this mode, the game has a board that shows you whose turn it is, and you simply take turns playing.

How Long Do You Want to Play?

Tic Tac Toe Colors allows you to choose how many wins it will take for you to win the game. You can play a quick game where 1 win decides the champion, or you can go for a longer game where you need to win 4 rounds.

Tic Tac Toe Colors Best of Wins

You can choose how many wins it takes to win for both game modes. The game has a scoreboard where you can keep track of who’s winning mid-game.

If you want to learn more about Tic Tac Toe, you should check out our main game for it – you can read tips, tricks, and awesome trivia about the game!


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

He no longer lives in his mom’s basement, but Jeff still manages to play online games whenever he has a free minute.


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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