

Jeff Franklin

Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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Sudoku players know how hard it is to find new puzzles to solve, especially at varying difficulty. Your Sudoku is the ultimate solution to all your needs, as this game features three game modes, each with a different skill requirement, and every game mode features thousands of layouts for you to solve.

Your Sudoku Difficulty

The game is suitable to play from anywhere, thanks to it being a simple web game, so you won’t need to bring a sheet of paper with you ever again. There’s also a screen where you can track how many puzzles you’ve solved in the different game modes.

Find Your Level

Your Sudoku is an ideal choice for both new players and top veterans. The three game modes offer different challenges, with each one requiring more experience to solve.

The “Starter” mode is fantastic for new players that are trying to learn the game, with it only requiring you to add one or two numbers to each 3×3 grid.

Your Sudoku Normal Grid

The “Normal” mode is suitable for players that have experience but can’t solve a Sudoku puzzle from scratch. This is the type of puzzle you typically find in newspapers and magazines.

The “Master” mode is the one where you need to be an expert. There are barely any numbers added to the grids, and you need to solve the puzzle almost from scratch.

Keep Track of Your Performance

Solving a Sudoku puzzle isn’t easy, even if Your Sudoku features a beginner-friendly game mode. As such, being able to keep track of your accomplishments is a feature that many players will love.

Your Sudoku Statistics

In this game, you can see how many puzzles you’ve solved in each difficulty level. This is a great way to track your progress and improvement. You can check out your results in the “Options” menu.

Since this game requires a high skill level to complete the hardest difficulty level, you need to know all of the tricks that the pros use. Our main game page for Sudoku features these tips and tricks – check it out!


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

He no longer lives in his mom’s basement, but Jeff still manages to play online games whenever he has a free minute.


Востаннє оновлено користувачем Jeff Franklin

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