Play Pool Bubbles Online, April 2024.
Pool Bubbles is a Bubble Shooter game that uses a design inspired by the famous real-life game pool. There are multiple game modes that you can choose from, each changing the difficulty of your playthrough. There are no levels, with the game having a Tetris-like system where you play until you lose or win.
There is a high score tracker on the right of the gameboard that you can track. The scoreboard shows your five best performances.
The game also has a system that showcases in how many shots a line will get added.
Multiple game modes to choose from
One of the unique features of Pool Bubbles is the game modes. In total, there are six modes you can choose from, and you can switch between each one at any time.
You switch the modes by pressing the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard. That way, you can select how many different colors of bubbles you clear while playing. If you choose 1, you will have one color of bubbles. With number 2, you get two colors, and so on.
Your goal is to keep clearing the bubbles to achieve the highest possible score. If you manage to clear all the bubbles from the board, you win the game, and your score gets saved.
Your score also gets saved if the bubbles reach you, but in that instance, you lose.
Track your rows
You can also track in how many shots additional rows get added to your gameboard. On the lower-left corner of your screen, there is a tracker with grey balls. You lose one grey ball from the counter every time you make a shot that doesn’t remove a cluster of bubbles. When they reach zero, new rows get added.
The game cycles in descending order how many grey balls you have. They start at six, and every time you reach zero, you get one less ball. When they reach zero, they start over with six again.
There are some helpful tricks that you can use to beat Pool Bubbles. Want to learn them? Check out our main game page for Bubble Shooter!